Once you have obtained a prospects’ personal contact information, you can begin to send relevant content to them that will help to guide them through their buying journey. If done correctly, this will build a great relationship with your potential customers before they even buy. However, if done incorrectly it can leave your potential customers with a bad taste in their mouth and you may never get another opportunity to change their mind.
How to launch an Email Marketing Campaign for Lead Generation in 2018
To ensure you capitalise on your lead generation efforts, here are some key elements that should be included in your next nurture emails.
This is perhaps the most obvious element; your email content needs to be relevant to where your customer is at in their buying journey. When potential customers first opt in, sending general information may be all that is required however as time goes on the content you send should contain information that is more specific to their needs, such as answering questions or providing solutions to queries that your prospects may have at that point.
A good way of finding out what type of content is relevant, is to ask your current customers what their experience was like when searching for your business offering.
It is important to map out their buying journey before you begin. From there, sharing relevant information at the right time can be easily planned.
Sending your customers relevant information at the right time is essential. What is equally important is that the content you send is visually appealing and easy to understand.
It is highly likely that your potential customers are busy people, with a huge workload. This means that you only have a few seconds from when they first open your email to capture their interest. If the content you send is not visually appealing, at first glance customers may not understand that this content is something that they would want to read.
Using visual content like pictures or graphs can act as the eye-catching cue customers need to sit down and read the fine print. Visuals can also help to give those that are very time poor a general gist of what the email is about, which can then result in those people deciding to read the entire article start to finish.
Keep in mind that pictures can make emails harder to load, which may deter the reader from reading your content. Keeping the number of photos to a handful and ensuring that the size of your photos is suitable for your email template will help avoid this issue. Adding in too many photos can lead to your email being marked as spam; so, make sure you use them properly and that you don’t go overboard with them.
Something else using should consider when sending emails is logo placement. It is essential that your company’s logo is in clear sight on all your content, this ensures customers won’t forget who sent them that important email.
Personalising content increases the likelihood of content being read. One of the quickest and easiest ways to personalise emails, is to address readers by their name. The best way to do this is through field mergers.
Adding in other personal details such as location and time will also add to the reader believing that the email was created specifically for them.
Furthermore, allowing your customer to customise the content that they want to receive from you, will have a beneficial affect on the amount of emails that they read from you. You can provide customers with email preferences so that they can choose how often they would like to to receive emails and what kind of information they would like to read.
Smartly designed and carefully written content will have readers scrolling to the end and wanting more. This is the impression that you will want to give every time you send an email.
To facilitate this impression, you should end your emails with a professional yet personal touch. Signing off the email with someone higher than a business development manager will make the reader feel important and reduce the likelihood of them feeling like they are being sold to. Adding a photo or a signed signature can also make it feel more authentic.
All emails should end with a call to action, encouraging the reader to take the next step in the sales process.
A note on compliance:
Australia has strict rules regarding companies using email as a means of communicating to potential customers. To avoid any email that you send being marked as spam, therefore damaging your sender score, it is important you always provide an option for the reader to unsubscribe. In Australia is it illegal not to have this option on all emails sent from a third party, or if the email being sent out is not a normal business email.
Implementing the unsubscribe email has the added benefit of ensuring that
people who are genuinely interested in your company’s offering, are in your companies email base. By having people with a genuine interest in your company, greater conversion rates will occur.
Another important element to implement in your emails to ensure that they are not marked as spam, is to not use any key words in the subject line or within the email that get flagged.
Essentially, keeping your emails looking sharp, relevant and sent to the right person at the right time will increase your chances of turning your leads into customers.
Doing this the right way shows your business in a good light and starts the process of building good relationships with happy, loyal customers.